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Saturday 6 August 2011


Good Luck to all the members who will have your basic first aid examination tomorrow!
be confident and believe that you can do it!
dont be nervous, just try your best
please bare in mind that the first aid knowledge that all we learnt is not just for the exam
it's for you yourself!
who knows someday you might need it when somethings happen in front of you...
these knowledge not only can save your loves one but also strangers...

life is precious
let's save lives!!

A little bit revision:
Clinical death: the heart stop beating and no breathing (first 0-4 minutes)
Biological death: after 4 minutes, the brain cell started to this time, we call it biological death...

What is CPR?
CPR- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Cardio means 'of the heart', pulmonary means 'of the lung' and resuscitation means 'to revive' or to bring back to life...
Sometimes CPR can help a person who has stopped breathing, and whose heart may have stopped beating, to stay alive.

after CPR, check...
if got pulse, got breathing
put in recovery position

if got pulse, no breathing
give 12 rescue blows in 1 minutes

if no pulse, got breathing

if no pulse, no breathing
continue your CPR

-tomorrow be there at 7.30am, we have some more revision
-bring plenty of water as you may need to stay there until around 5pm
-bring some money for your lunch and exam fee
-wear tidy and full training order
-bring umbrella (u might need it during lunch time)
lastly, bring all your confidence!!!!!!!!be steady and cool!! Gambatte!!

p.s.hopefully i didnt give a wrong


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